I help women to let go of dieting, manage emotional eating, and find peace with food through a sustainable approach to wellness, reduce their stress, and nourish their bodies and minds, so they can thrive!

Hi, I'm Em Anderson, Remedial Massage Therapist, Nutritionist, Health Coach for women, & Producer of My Essentials Oils.
I'm always up for a chat and a laugh, whether you're a client or a friend.
I'm trained as a cook, and at home I love to prepare my traditional favourites. When eating out I like to try new foods (but nothing spicy, thank you!) enjoying both vegetarian and meat dishes. And I'm sometimes up for a chocolatey dessert (everything in balance I say!)
When I'm not working in my coaching, massage or essential oil space, I enjoy singing, practicing pilates and walking out in nature.
I love spending time with my husband John and our daughter, creating music and spending time outside gardening together.
I'm a Star Wars fan, and have developed a new love of completing jigsaw puzzles (thank you COVID lockdowns), as well as binging my favourite shows.
Welcome to this little corner of my world, and to my online community,
Em xx

The majority of nutrition experts promote conflicting advice. This results in women feeling fed up, confused about what to eat - struggling to have a beautiful relationship with food.
I was confused too. After compIeting my degree in nutrition, I was knew that as a busy working Mum, my health outcomes were influenced by so much more than how much I exercised and what I ate.
And there's so much conflicting information and advice out in the nutrition world, with it changing from one month to the next. Remember when eggs were bad for you, but now they aren't? Or the overwhelming choice of fad diets to follow - is Paleo or Keto better, should I go gluten free? And what's the deal with Intermittent Fasting?...
It wasn't any wonder I felt overwhelmed - and a lot of you reading this probably are too. But it doesn't need to continue to be this way!
If you're ready for a different approach, click below to learn more and feel free to book a no pressure complimentary Discovery Call with me.
Em xx